Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Whilst many people are faced with the need for weight loss and answers to , those individuals who desperately want to gain weight often struggle to find the answers.  The media and focus is mostly on weight loss, leaving these individuals wondering as to a solution to their weight problem.
One of the first steps in your weight gain process is to try and determine why you are underweight.  Is there a possible illness that is causing the weight loss?  Are you using any medication that might affect your weight gain?  All these factors should be discussed with your medical practitioner.  If you are healthy, physically, emotionally and mentally and still underweight, the answer to gaining weight would be to consume more energy per day.  This means you must eat more at each meal, or have a healthy  shake as well as healthy snacks in between meals.  The Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix and Protein Powder is a great way of supplementing your meals for extra energy.  The shakes are also packed with vitamins and minerals and they are nutritionally balanced.
Here is an example meal plan for someone wanting to gain weight: